Interested in bringing a Trinity Program into your school?
All programs have been developed in hundreds of urban and rural schools across Canada, including Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, Thunder Bay, Montreal, Halifax, Algoma Region, Bruce and Grey Counties, and southwestern Ontario. Developed in partnership with educators and students, our programs are continually reappraised and revised to best meet current needs. Further customized programming created on demand.
Trinity Programs
Creating Communities We Want
Creating Communities We Want is a suite of programs in personal growth, peer leadership and youth engagement in community. Currently including: Peer to Peer, Applied Civics, Handling Conflict.

Peer to Peer
A team of students is trained in peer leadership to mentor younger students throughout their first crucial year of high school. They lead a series of workshops using drama-based activities and talking circles that focus on personal growth and social issues. Workshops currently available include respect, assertiveness, and address bullying, substance misuse, gender violence, EDI (equity, diversity and inclusion), stress, and mental health. Peer Leaders acquire leadership, facilitation, and mentoring skills while contributing directly to the development of social-emotional competence and resilience of their peers. Hybrid and online versions of the program are currently being developed.

Applied Civics
Students can further develop their peer leadership skills by offering interactive workshops, collaborative forums, and experiential community walking tours that support Civics & Careers, Geography or History curriculum. Applied Civics provides peer-led, hands-on learning experiences of youth engagement in community development. Students are led through exercises in social scanning and asset mapping of their local community towards the creation and maintenance of a digital directory of volunteer opportunities in the area. Students are encouraged to volunteer locally and/or create youth-led volunteer projects to address any gaps in the community identified during the Applied Civics program.

Handling Conflict
A team of students is trained to settle disputes by using formal and informal transformative mediation processes, providing the school administration with an alternative option to suspension. Peer Mediators refine their skills in active listening to enable them to help their peers understand their anger through empowerment and recognition. Schools can also add workshops for parents and staff to address conflicts through a restorative practices model.